现在,我们在北极阁下面了,北极阁是一座道观,又称北极庙。是1280年建造的,拾级而上,我们应该能看见真武大帝和其余十九尊神像。明朝1463年间又建了供奉真武大帝父母的庙。旁边还有一个关于吉祥幸福的感应泉,我认为那纯属骗人。想跟我们的神王照相的就照一张。< ……此处隐藏24799个字……by mr.qi gong.
dongtian gate is the intersection of walking path and driving path.the characters “yun zheng xia wei” is the writing of mi fu, one of four calligraphers of song.
the guimeng peak is the highest peak of the mountain.the first thing before we reach the top, we can see 3 big red characters “gui meng ding” and 4 characters “gui meng qi guan”.
above the wolong pine, there is a inscription of “confucius xiao lu chu”.confucius had reached the guimeng peak along with the rugged road, then he iued a feeling of teng dong shan er xiao lu, deng tai shan er xiao tian xia”.it means that confucius feels the lu kingdom small when he is on the top of mount dong, feels the whole world small when he is on top of mount tai.